High-Stakes Poker Game Declared World Series of Sports Card Flipping, Winners Get to Keep All the Cards
Move over World Series of Poker, there's a new high-stakes card game in town, and this time, it's flipping the script, literally. The world of sports card collecting has just taken a thrilling and outrageous turn, as collectors gather for what is now being called the "World Series of Sports Card Flipping." In a Las Vegas hotel ballroom turned into a trading card mecca, collectors from all walks of life donned their finest tuxedos and poker faces, ready to bet it all on their beloved cardboard treasures. The ante? Not dollars or chips but a stack of sports cards that would make a bank vault jealous. The concept is simple: each collector sits down with a prized card of their choice and takes turns flipping it. If you flip a card and it lands face-up, you win the pot; if it's face-down, you lose your card to the winner. The stakes? Well, they're as high as a Burj Khalifa card tower. The game began with a dramatic flip-off between two legendary collectors...